endee solar
creating irish solar farms
solar farms in ireland
solar farms are a secure method for irish farmers and landowners to diversify land use and increase their income in a sustainable and predictable way, without any capital costs or financial outlay.
at endee solar we typically enter into a 30 year land-lease agreement with the landowner. we cover the cost of installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the solar farm, renting the land from the landowner at a competitive market rate, per acre.

is your land suitable?
25 acres +
endee solar can develop solar farms on agricultural land of 25 acres or more.
the site should be relatively unimpeded by elements that may cause shadowing.
sub-station proximity
the site should be located within 10km of a suitable electricity sub-station.
the shape of the site is mostly irrelevant as the solar panels can be set in rows of different lengths.
the land should be relatively flat or on a south facing slope. north facing slopes are not viable.
soil composition
a solar farm can be installed on most subsoils but the ground shouldn‘t be composed of sand or rock.

how does it work?
carrying out the
site assessment
endee solar will assess the suitability of your land for solar farm development, by means of a site visit, preliminary planning assessment and grid connection feasibility study.
signing of the
option agreement
an option agreement is signed between endee solar and the landowner, setting out the terms for a 30 year lease agreement at a competitive market rate per acre.
submitting the
planning application
the planning application will be prepared and submitted by endee solar and our partner consultants including any statutory requirements, ISEA additional requirements or site specific requirements and reports. the cost for the planning application is fully covered by endee solar but will require the assistance of the landowner in organising documents.
installation, lease
agreement, payment
endee solar finances and organises the installation of the solar farm with local irish and german partners using the highest quality german and chinese photovoltaic modules. we arrange for connection to the grid, sign the lease agreement and begin with the agreeed rental installments upfront from completion.
5. operations, maintenance & decommissioning
when the solar farm is operational, endee solar will oversee the long-term operation and maintenace with no financial cost to the landowner. at the end of the lease agreement (after 30 years) the landowner may choose to enter discussions with endee solar to extend the lease agreement or opt for the decomissioning of the solar farm. all structures, ancilliary equipment and cabling will be carefully dismantled and removed from the site for recycling, according to best practice. the land can then be returned to its original use.

benefits for landowners

who we are
endee solar
endee solar is an irish-german renewable energy company based in county louth. we are a small family business run by jilly and jost hullmann, who have a background in architecture and project development. we are committed to developing solar farms in both ireland and germany, using the highest quality photovoltaic technology in cooperation with our german and chinese manufacturing partners.
together with our parnter, landleaf tech europe gmbh, we have successfully completed solar farms and solar rooftop installations of approximately 20mw in recent years. we currently have a project of approximately 25mw in the pipeline and we are committed to bringing our expertise to the irish market. our aim is to offer irish landowners a competitive rental income per acre based on a 30 year lease. the cost of setting up, maintaining and decommissioning the solar park falls to us.

our projects
how much can i expect to earn?endee solar offers a competitive market rate and index based rental price per acre of land used.
can i still farm my land?the short answer is yes. many farmers continue to graze small livestock like sheep and cattle on their land after installation of the solar farm.
will there be any noise from the solar farm?apart from low construction noise during the short installation period, the solar farm will operate quietly and will not cause any noise pollution.
are solar farms even suitable for the irish climate?as solar energy technology has become more efficient, northerly countries like ireland have become viable for solar farms. solar energy is increasingly contributing to the sustainable production of electricity from renewable sources on the irish grid.
what happens after 30 years?at the end of the lease agreement (after 30 years) the landowner may choose to enter discussions with endee solar to extend the lease agreement or opt for the decomissioning of the solar farm. all structures, ancilliary equipment and cabling will be carefully dismantled and removed from the site for recycling, according to best practice. the land can then be returned to its original use.

what's new at endee
our partners